Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stratford Caldecott at Notre Dame

 The Center for Liturgy is sponsoring the talk "Beauty for Truth's Sake" by Stratford Caldecott, Editor of Second Spring, on Tuesday, November 2 at 7:30 p.m. in 138 DeBartolo Hall. To wet your appetite, here are some quotes from Caldecott:

"We must overcome the opposition between the 'cultures' of science and the arts by awakening the poetic imagination and reestablishing, for the sake of science as much as for the arts, a truly humane education."

"When we come to Mass... we should be able to experience a sense that here, at last, all the threads of our education are being brought together. If we don't, something is wrong with our education or our liturgy."

"The nature of Being as an expression of Love is the essential foundation for humane education."

"Truth is Being as known. Goodness is Being as willed. Beauty is Being as enjoyed."

"We have lost the ability to perceive the inner, connecting principles, the intrinsic relations, the logoi, of creation, which the ancient Christian Pythagorean tradition (right through the medieval period) understood in terms of number and cosmic harmony."

"Why do we desire truth? What makes truth attractive to us?"

"The nature of Being as an expression of Love is the essential foundation for humane education."

"A popular misconception has it that medieval man thought the world was flat, and modern science gave us a round world. ...But the truth is almost the opposite of this. Medieval man inhabited a three-dimensional cosmos which has now been largely replaced by a flat universe, with no ontological depth."

"Education begins in the family and ends in the Trinity. Praise (of beauty), service (of goodness), and contemplation (of truth) are essential to the full expression of our humanity."

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