Friday, January 21, 2011

Welcome back Mass for Integritas

Last night the Integritas group re-convened after Christmas break for the first time, for a Mass and welcome back dinner. The timing was fortuitous, since yesterday at Notre Dame we were celebrating Blessed Basil Moreau's feast day. Fr. Moreau founded the Congregation of Holy Cross, the order that founded and runs Notre Dame. Fr. Moreau's vision was for Holy Cross to be an order structured like a family, with priests, brothers, and sisters all working together to address the challenges of the modern world, especially through education. Fr. Moreau's conviction that "the mind will not be cultivated at the expense of the heart," inspired the genesis of the Integritas group, so we were delighted to be able to celebrate his feast day together, with Fr. Bill Miscamble, CSC, presiding at Mass in Our Lady of Mercy Chapel in Geddes Hall. After Mass, we crossed the hall to have dinner in the coffeehouse, and there were many stories to tell and plenty to catch up on after our month-long break for Christmas. We look forward to another seminar next week.

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